If you haven’t heard about Text Neck yet, also referred to as Text Neck, this has become a new buzzword in the health industry to describe a very common issue that impacts people today. Text neck is a condition that formed when you overuse your neck, back and shoulder muscles by keeping yourself in a hunched over position, typically the position that occurs when you spend a lot of time looking down and forward, such as you would when looking on a mobile device. When you keep yourself in this position, it can cause serious strain on the spine. Text Neck is more than just a cautionary tale that parents can use to keep their kids off their phones, it is a real issue and something that can cause daily pain and discomfort as well as life-long damage to your spine. While Text Neck is a real and serious issue, the good news is it is also one that can be improved with chiropractic care, if you take the time to visit your chiropractor and get the assistance that you need.
We live in a society where people are hooked on modern gadgets and technology (computers, cell phones, tablets and gaming devices) that are causing serious problems with the spine as it gets subjected to cummulative trauma by being bent forward with our heads looking down frequently and for extended hours. All of us that own modern technology are prone to develop serious problems with our neck and spine. This not only affects the neck but also the rest of the spine, from the skull down to the pelvis and even into the hips, knees ankles and feet. The neck and back pain is only the beginning of troubles assoicated with Forward Head Posture (FHP). The vertebrae when misaligned, pinches on the nerves which exit between the vertebrae (Vertebral Subluxation Complex), causing abnormal nerve supply to our organs, muscles, tissues and cells and creating abnormal function in those organs.