E-Stim Therapy (electrical stimulation therapy) is used to relieve headaches, shoulder pain, neck pain, back pain as well as pain in the extremities. The therapy works by stimulating the muscles with a mild electrical current. Electrodes are first placed at the appropriate points on the patient’s skin. We begin the therapy with a low setting and increase the frequency until the patient has reached their comfort level with the electrodes. Then the patient is allowed to be in this relaxing therapeutic state for 10 minutes or longer, depending on what Dr. Waltz prescribes.
This therapy works by causing a relaxation of tense muscles and an alleviation of the swelling that is frequently involved. Most of the time, we do not think of pain in terms of inflammation, but for the most part, that is precisely what causes pain. After a few visits, the inflammation in your muscles and nerves will be gone altogether or significantly reduced. Dr. Waltz may also prescribe massage therapy and a nutrition plan to speed up and aid rehabilitation for patients.
E-Stim treatment is one of the many state of the art therapeutic techniques we have available at Charlotte Chiropractic Center, PLLC. If you would like to know more about this therapy or the other services we provide, we invite you to call us at 704-940-7740 or discuss this with Dr. Waltz on you next chiropractic treatment.